SHAREHOUSE365 manages and offers share houses to allow our tenants to experience an ordinary share house life for 365 days a year. Living together with new people is exciting and refreshing, but there might be some bumps too. These bittersweet experiences shape the share house life. We hope you will enjoy these little instants together with us.
運営会社 / company
5520007 大阪市港区弁天4-5-21 bentenLAND
建設業許可: 大阪府知事(一般−30)第150523号
bentenLAND 4-5-21 Benten, Minato-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, JAPAN
We create places to grow community for both foreigners and locals, by remodeling old buildings into a sharehouse and others.
代表管理人 / Chief Manager
熊切次郎 / Jiro Kumakiri
Originally from Hino City, Tokyo. Graduated from a university in Australia.
Worked in sales in Osaka for 7 years. After that, based on his experience in a share house while studying abroad, he started a private share house business. In 2024, he will have been operating for 10 years.
・Likes: Wife and children, manga, sleep, 2ch
スタッフ / Staff
さくら / Sakura
Originally from Saga Prefecture. Moved to Osaka after working at a design company, but quit full-time after 6 months and became a self-employed person working as a babysitter and designer. Started living in a share house around 2021 and is still enjoying it with her husband. Joined the team after agreeing with JIRO's idea of starting a share house.
Likes: Her husband, chicken, flowers
えりか / Erika
Originally from Osaka. Graduated from the Department of English Literature. Lived in a shared house at GA2 for a year and a half. Utilizing her hobby of baking, she started "Flowers and Spices". After that, JIRO approached her and she joined the team.
Likes: India, Pekapeka, spices